How to adjust the narration playback speed ?

01:02 mins


Updated on Dec 22, 2023

Adjusting Playback Speed of Narration Track in Train

When generating audio in Train, the audio is adjusted according to the video clip by default. However, you can also easily edit the playback speed of the narration track. Here's how:

  1. Go to the video editing page in Train.
  2. Navigate to the clip for which you want to adjust the timeline.
  3. In the right side of the video, choose the Advanced Editing option.
  4. In the opened Advanced Editing modal, you will find the option to change the playback speed in the right section.
  5. Choose the narration track option to adjust the audio speed.
  6. Adjust the playback speed by changing the input in the box.
  7. Once you are satisfied with the changes, save them.
  8. You can exit the modal by choosing the close option.

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