Academy 101

Introducing Academy & Course Builder to onboard, train, and retain your custo... Read more

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Set up Adaptive Learning Experiences with Trainn's LMS

03:59 mins

Akash Anil

Updated on Jul 25, 2024

Setting Up Adaptive Learning Experiences in Train

With Trainn, you can use one academy and personalize it for your employees, customers, and partners at the same time. In this tutorial, learn how to set up adaptive learning experiences for your customers.

Admin View of Your Academy

The Admin view of your academy, by default, consists of the Login and Home page. Once your learners log into your academy, they are first taken to the Home page. Your Home page is where all your courses are listed, like a catalog.

Setting Up Adaptive Learning Experience

Setting up adaptive learning experience in Trainn allows you to offer custom Home pages based on your learners' domain, roles, and persona. Now, let's set up three different Home pages for custom user segments:

  • Internal Trainn Employees

  • Partners

  • Customer (e.g., Acme)

These three different Home pages can host different courses aligned to the specific need that they were created for. This allows you to use one academy to train different personas.

Internal Academy

Internal Academy is set up for Trainn's employees as an onboarding and training academy. Here you can set up who can view this page. You can either choose users manually or filter dynamically through authentication.

Here are the steps:

  • Individually choose users and create a static learner list.

  • Filter users based on preset conditions such as email, company, or role.

  • Add multiple conditions (e.g., role as Customer Success Manager).

Once that's done, you can start modifying your Home page design by adding short descriptions, banner images, and hosting all the courses that you want your learners to access for their training.

Logging into the Academy

Now, let's log in to the academy. This is what your course Home page looks like for your internal employees. The process of setting up your Home page remains the same, irrespective of who you create it for.

Partner Training Academy

For the Partner Training Academy Home page, authenticate your users who are your partners and only add courses that they require to accomplish their tasks.

Acme Academy

The same process applies to Acme Academy. You can also assign courses to your learners through the Learners tab in your dashboard, just like how you authenticated users to your academy in your Home page.

Assigning Courses

Here are the ways to assign courses:

  • Manually assign courses that you have created to a particular learner.

  • Create learner groups to assign courses to users with common learning needs.

Grouping learners saves you time from manually assigning courses to each learner. You can create a learner group by going to the Groups tab in your dashboard. Here you can create static and dynamic lists.

Static Lists

In static lists, you need to manually add your learners to your group. This is particularly useful when you need a consistent group for specific, time-bound tasks or projects.

Dynamic Lists

In a dynamic list, you can set preset conditions so that learners are automatically added whenever your system is updated. For example, by selecting a role of Customer Success Manager, you can recommend content to all CSMs in your learner contact list. You can further filter this list using company and email details with the appropriate operators.

Live Example

Let's see a live example of how learner groups work. I am setting up a dynamic group for all trained employees using the email condition. Now that the list is created, you can start recommending courses to this group.

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